Blueprint for a Bogey

Blueprint for a Bogey
Date: 10 February 2011 – 5 June 2011
Space: Gallery 3

Blueprint for a Bogey explored the right to play within the context of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child (article 31) and is this being met for children, young people and adults. One aspect explored in the programme is how children’s play is questioned, interrupted and neglected.

How do we create safe spaces for children that allow them the freedom to play and develop? We create spaces that minimise the risks they can take – they are wrapped in our concern for their safety and their play is couched in rules and regulations. This idea is developed in Faktura and Attention! (since acquired for the Glasgow Museums’ collection). Faktura flits between documentary and animation. The documentary explores an adventure playground in Berlin, Germany, which allows children to create the environments they play in. The animations, which interrupt this documentary, are experiments using shapes from a children’s pattern book. Attention!, which Sworn made with Nicolas Party and Ciara Phillips, took its inspiration from safety books from the 1980s and questions the restrictions we are putting on play.

Artists: Paula Rego, Eduardo Paolozzi, Andy Goldsworthy, Peter Blake, Graham Fagen, David Sherry, Corin Sworn (with Nicolas Party and Ciara Phillips)

’Art review: Blueprint For A Bogey, Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow’
• ’Blueprint for a Bogey’

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